321. Or convince her that David is still alive and she needs to go back to Night City. Switch 1. When used with left-click, the sword swings forward with a custom animation. When used with its primary fire (left-click), the slot machine on the gun spins for two seconds, rolling one of four attacks at a random chance based on the type of coin. Moon Fist. The Butcher is a craftable Hardmode gun that shoots slowly and inaccurately at first but increases fire rate and accuracy over time while firing, capping at 600% of its original fire rate and has a 25% chance to not consume bullets . Assuming that we aren't roleplaying, all of the scps would be fictional. They can be planted manually by the player year-round by purchasing Pumpkin Seeds from the Dryad NPC. Butterflies attack by charging at enemies 3 times, disappearing upon impact with the third enemy. All projectiles will inflict the Armor Crunch debuff. When the weapon's Shortstrike ability activates, enemy hits heal the player by 3 health, and have nightshade. Melee weapons are weapons which deal melee damage on contact and very often also shoot a projectile which deals melee damage. Additionally, it summons light explosions onto nearby enemies similarly to the Rainbow Crystal Staff . It fires gravity affected snowballs at a gradually increasing rate as it is held out, increasing its fire rate every second until reaching a maximum of eight seconds. It possesses 4 different attack modes under the form of constellation-themed upgrades of the True Biome Blade's attunements. 67*1/15 (6. It is the Corruption counterpart of the Flesh of Infidelity. Each skull cannot pass through blocks and will explode after traveling a short distance. The Evil Smasher is a unique gun you get for completing Marcus' The Chosen One quest. By default it does not fire any projectile nor does it have any special effects. Fee Fi Fo Fum, Thanos, and it’s been five years since you did the unthinkable! Well you may have taken the lives of millions of my Hulkamaniacs, but you will never take the souls of every Hulkamaniac past, present and future, brother! You may live precariously harvesting the crops, but after you clicked your two little fingers, the Avengers. I don't believe there is any mention of Russ being a Daemon wolf and honestly I find it unlikely. Its best is Godly. On hit, the laser deals damage in a tiny area of effect. 67%) chance of dropping in quantities of 1 / 1−3 from all types of Ghouls. Its best modifier is Unreal . When used, the weapon slowly charges, indicated by the barrel increasing in size after each charge. It converts Wooden Arrows into special arrows that can pierce one enemy and shatter into fossil shards upon hitting a second, as well as upon hitting solid blocks. Occasionally if there's a target nearby, the device releases lightning to triple-strike it. It fires a slow moving Unstable Ebonian Glob that can travel through blocks and is not affected by gravity, and will slowly decelerate until stopping in place. Its best modifier is Unreal . It was formerly a Malice Mode exclusive item dropped by The Hive Mind and The. It is the exhumed form of the Entropy's Vigil. 1: Introduced. The Fearless Goldfish Warrior is a rare Pre-Hardmode enemy which spawns naturally on the Surface during Rain. The time taken to fire varies from 0. Note how the left target dummy doesn't spawn the extra daggers. The Bladetongue is a Hardmode autoswinging sword that is obtained by fishing in the Crimson biome. Left-clicking will rapidly throw kunai that are affected by gravity and stick to enemies or tiles, exploding after a brief delay. The Galaxy Smasher is a craftable post-Moon Lord boomerang. 5. When used, it fires three red tendrils which bend in random directions, similarly to the Shadowflame Hex Doll. 67 seconds, its damage increases by 45% and it charges at the player. When used with the right-click, daggers that are stuck on an enemy will return to the player and heal for 4. It also rapidly fires inaccurate smaller laser beams. It can inflict the Whispering Death debuff, which reduces. Every 0. Melee weapons are weapons which deal melee damage on contact and very often also shoot a projectile which deals melee damage. Flails are melee weapons which usually are made from a spiked ball attached to a chain. It shoots homing orange projectiles, which get their damage multiplied by damage bonuses from all classes. A_Weapons_Unique. The sound of the Death Whistle item being used is. Vesuvius. Hitting an enemy would apply the Brimstone Flames debuff for a significantly long time of 100 seconds. The Desecrated Water is a craftable Hardmode bomb. The Crystalline's daggers splitting upon traveling a short distance. — A loading screen tip The Pwnhammer is a Hardmode hammer that is able to destroy Demon Altars and Crimson Altars with a few hits, blessing the world with one of the six Hardmode ores. Right-clicking with the blade consumes 100 mana and summons an Arbiter of Judgement to attack enemies by swiftly. 3) in the order you can obtain them before the next available boss. The Flesh of Infidelity is a craftable Pre-Hardmode summon weapon. The Animus was a craftable post-Moon Lord broadsword that auto-swings. 4. 1. #terraria #calamity #fyp #gaming #evilsmasher Galaxia is a craftable post-Moon Lord broadsword that is an upgraded version of the True Biome Blade. Ruthless might be preferred if. The shards are always launched upward in an arc, though their horizontal velocity is. Premium. Unlike most broadswords, it uses a custom swing animation and performs a simple combo of a downwards slash followed by an upwards one that shoots an arc of. A medium velocity rocket that explodes into a red cloud and spawns a small amount of friendly bees. Upon hitting an enemy with the blade, essence flames will appear near the enemy that will attack nearby enemies. The Star Struck. The Ark of the Ancients is a craftable Hardmode broadsword that autoswings. The Sylvan Slasher is a post-Moon Lord rogue weapon that is bought from the Bandit for 5 after Providence, the Profaned Goddess has been defeated. Whenever it deals a finishing blow, 4-5 homing blood bolts erupt out of the enemy. King Slime Terrarian Jan 22, 2019 #1 Hey guys I'm pretty new on playing terraria (about 2-3weeks ago I started playing)I just defeated WoF few hours ago and got a breaker blade with a dangerous modifier should I use it instead of using night's edge? btw the night's edge has no modifiers Lord Garak Retinazer Jan 22, 2019 #2 Never use the Breaker Blade. History 1. The Bone Feather is a rare Hardmode, post-Plantera crafting material used solely to craft Bone Wings. Its best modifier is Light for harvesting purposes and Legendary for combat purposes. 2. 3. This glitch allows you to shoot any reloadable weapon twice immediately, it has two methods: The first method is to hold down fire, hold reload, and then tap melee, release fire and release reload. My favourite mod is Calamity for obvious reasons, but the wiki always annoyed me, because the weapons in particular were never in order, and I would have to sort through it all to find what the next weapon to go for is. In the Calamity Mod, there are many Rare Variants that are more powerful versions of items within the mod. Advertisement Coins. Archerfish. By default it is equipped with the Phoenix's Pride attunement. They are used to craft the SHPC. The Galaxy Smasher is a craftable post-Moon Lord boomerang. Evil Smasher: 100: 37 (Very Slow) 6 (Average) 0 4% 2 40 Excalibur Shortsword: Excalibur Shortsword: 70: 10 (Very Fast) 5. 1. Not to be confused with Magnum, a finite-use classless weapon. Then tip off the Arasaka counterintel folks so they'll roll out a red carpet for her when she lands at the NC's spaceport. They come mainly in the form of swords. It repeatedly throws high velocity hammers at a medium range, which can pass through tiles. These achievements are available on the Desktop version, Console version, and Mobile version. 1. Its best modifier is Unreal . The SHPC (or Super Heated Plasma Cannon) is a craftable Hardmode magic gun. The projectiles are not affected by gravity and home in on nearby enemies slightly after being spawned. When Atlas gets close enough to the player, it will uppercut them with its big arm and launch. The Stellar Striker is a craftable post- Moon Lord broadsword that is a direct upgrade of the Comet Quasher. The fact the weapon is "ID locked" is also a reference. It throws a slow-moving gravity-affected hammer which cannot pass through tiles and will travel a short distance before falling. It fires bullets at a high velocity along with a translucent mushroom that homes in on and pierces enemies, and deals massive damage. Anarchy Blade. 001: Moved Silver or Tungsten Axe and Silver or Tungsten Bar to the top of the recipe in order. It automatically throws a boomerang that pierces infinitely. Atlas Munitions Beacon is a post-Moon Lord sentry that drops from the Exo Mechs after XM-05 Thanatos has been defeated last. This stacks up to 10 times. This effect does not work on bosses. Harvesting fully grown Pumpkins during the Halloween season will rarely yield a Magical. This is a huge mod, which, instead of adding new content to the game, focuses on adding new gameplay mechanics and completely remaking existing. The Flak Toxicannon is a Hardmode ranged weapon that drops from Flak Crabs. It is always dropped by the Wall of Flesh. The Carnage is a Hardmode broadsword that drops from the Wall of Flesh. The sand blade deals 80% of the sword's damage. Borderlands 2 Evil Smasher Glitch After Patch Xbox 360; Evil Smasher Terraria; Borderlands 2 Evil Smasher Glitch After Patch Notes; Glitch Used normally, Evil Smasher does not level up beyond Power level 1. G. When swung, it emitted faint blood particles and inflicted the Ichor debuff upon striking enemies. It moves by rolling and bouncing similarly to an Angry Tumbler. Roxcalibur is a craftable Hardmode broadsword that can also be found in Pre-Hardmode, though the sword cannot be swung until the Wall of Flesh is defeated. Aquashard Shotgun. When used, the player swings a claw and throws a homing, spinning axe that can pierce one enemy or bounce once before disappearing on its next impact. Forsaken Saber. Evil Smasher - unique Ability. If the user is below 50% health, every swing has a 20% chance to instantly kill any non- boss enemy. These achievements are available on the Steam, GOG. Swap immediately back to Evil Smasher. Upon striking an enemy, a medium-sized stationary. 3. Borderlands 2 Evil smasher glitch still possible Discussion as everyone knows the evil smasher was a glitch that everyone loved and. The Stellar Contempt is a craftable post- Moon Lord boomerang. This weapon does. Void essences slow down rapidly upon touching an enemy and quickly disintegrate, dealing damage several times. Earthen pike easily deals 1k+ dps with one dummy. Upon hitting an enemy, an aesthetic burst of flame occurs, and it makes a meowing sound. When used, it throws an enchanted axe that travels a medium distance and acts similarly to a boomerang. Its left-click attack is similar to the Meteor Staff; it calls down a swarm of molten asteroids that explode which inflicts the Hellfire debuff upon hitting a tile or an enemy. The Anarchy Blade is a craftable Hardmode broadsword that autoswings. The Tears of Heaven attacking Super Dummies through tiles. When used it fires a fast, blue-and-white beam that homes in on enemies and will restore 25 mana and 1 HP upon contact with an enemy. In addition to firing a regular arrow, the repeater also fires an Icicle Arrow, which bursts upon impact. It emits a glowing cyan light trail when held. The Lazinator is a craftable Hardmode magic gun. The Clam Crusher is a Hardmode flail that is dropped by the Giant Clam mini boss in the Sunken Sea. If it is nighttime, the hammer itself will inflict the Nightwither debuff on every enemy it strikes. 개요 [편집] Calamity Mod 의 근접 무기에 대해 정리한 문서. It is the direct upgrade to the Stellar Contempt. The Forsaken Saber is a craftable Hardmode broadsword that autoswings. Left-clicking will rapidly throw kunai that are affected by gravity and stick to enemies or tiles, exploding after a brief delay. Avalanche Darklight. Shoots Bullets that explode on impact and deal Splash Damage. When a target is nearby, it attempts to jump towards the target, spawning three damaging puff clouds which move towards the target when the minion is jumping if the target is within a 22. The Icicle Staff is a craftable Pre-Hardmode wand. Upon contact with an enemy, the spear creates a Scarlet Blast which rapidly damages any enemy caught in its. The Abyssal Tome is a Pre-Hardmode spell tome that drops from The Slime God. The Old Duke. Every time the sword strikes an enemy, two lunar flares fall from the sky towards the cursor, which explode upon contact with enemies or upon hitting tiles that are below the cursor. Harvesting fully grown Pumpkins during the Halloween season will rarely yield a Magical. The Pwnhammer is a Hardmode hammer that is able to destroy Demon Altars. Stellar Striker. The spear is followed by an orange-red trail as it travels. These include: A homing green exo beam that explodes into multiple homing swords with lingering slashs. Light and dark shards each deal 80% of the weapon's base damage. It fires bullets at a high velocity along with a translucent mushroom that homes in on and pierces enemies, and deals massive damage. Repeat swapping away and back as many times as needed to gain Power level. Comet Quasher. 3) in the order you can obtain them before the next available boss. v · d · e WeaponOut Mod: Weapons • Armor • Accessories • Tiles Tiles Categories: The guide lists all the melee weapons available in the current Calamity mod (v1. The harpoon returns to the player after travelling 125 blocks or upon tile collision, gaining extra speed and randomly releasing bacteria particles on its way back. The Wooden Butterfly Staff is a craftable summon weapon. The Abyss Shocker is a Pre-Hardmode magic gun dropped by Box Jellyfish and Mirage Jellies after Skeletron has been defeated. Not to be confused with Frosty Flare, a rogue weapon sold by the Archmage. Rogue weapons are weapons belonging to the Rogue class. #18. The Butcher is a craftable Hardmode gun that shoots slowly and inaccurately at first, but increases fire rate and accuracy over time while firing, capping at 600% of its original fire rate. Melee weapons are weapons which deal melee damage on contact and very often also shoot a projectile which deals melee damage. 1. It auto-fires a high velocity syringe that increases damage as it travels and inflicts the Plague debuff. Pumpkins are a crafting material that grow on grass on the surface. It throws out a gravity-defying javelin that travels through tiles and emits light. 25% / 33. 3. When a sulphur cross explodes, it releases up to three acid rain droplets that damage enemies. If Musket Balls are used as ammo, bullets are converted into explosive bullets. Upon contact with a target, the hammer explodes and summons five Nebula lasers to strike at the target's position, both the hammer and lasers inflict the God. It also grants immunity to Frostburn, Chilled, and Frozen, as well as reducing damage from "cold. O. Its best modifier is Light for harvesting purposes and Legendary for combat purposes. Grand Dad. The Ball O' Fugu is a Pre-Hardmode flail obtained from Shadow Chests in the Abyss. These projectiles rapidly lose velocity and float in mid-air; if left untouched, they will explode on their own after several seconds. The Butcher is a craftable Hardmode gun that shoots slowly and inaccurately at first but increases fire rate and accuracy over time while firing, capping at 600% of its original fire rate and has a 25% chance to not consume bullets . Classless weapons are weapons that belong to no particular type of damage. On swing, the spear releases four fossil shards that deal 50 percent of the spear's damage and can additionally inflict. Although the staff summons. Like its predecessors, it rapidly fires homing bees and wasps that dissipate upon damaging enemies and touching tiles. The wings sell for 8, whereas the.